Part 2: He is here for the hurting and broken

15 08 2008

After yesterday’s post, I decided to add part 2 for all those hurting and broken in their world right now. We’ve all been there. We’ve all felt the gritty sands blowing around us in the desert times. But we can also learn the peace of the Spirit of God in the middle of our sorrows. We can learn to emerge triumphant in the strength of Jesus.

Here is the documentary for Desert Song, another worshipful addition to Hillsong’s latest album, This is Our God. The song immediately follows the documentary in the following video.



One response

21 08 2008

as if I wasn’t still prying myself off the prayer floor after watching your previous vids of “Healer”, you go and put this one up. My only mistake, was thinking “Wow, Shell posted another vid… Sure, I’m on my way to lead the people into worship on a Sunday morning, but one more empowering video will be good for me.” (jump to next scene: Cory bawling in his kitchen with his wife watching over his shoulder doing the same) Melissa (wife) says, “I coulda gone a Sunday morning without having to see that!”
Through the desert, through the fire, “I will bring praise” for “He is my victory”!

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