Part 2: He is here for the hurting and broken

15 08 2008

After yesterday’s post, I decided to add part 2 for all those hurting and broken in their world right now. We’ve all been there. We’ve all felt the gritty sands blowing around us in the desert times. But we can also learn the peace of the Spirit of God in the middle of our sorrows. We can learn to emerge triumphant in the strength of Jesus.

Here is the documentary for Desert Song, another worshipful addition to Hillsong’s latest album, This is Our God. The song immediately follows the documentary in the following video.

He is here for the sick and the dying

14 08 2008

It is an eternal theme and urging to worship in spirit and in truth. It is stirring in my heart, in the heart of our church and worship ministry, in our leaders, in our lives. Lift God, lift Jesus higher and higher. In all seasons, in all pain and hurt, and all triumph and prosperity, lift our Lord as he deserves the highest place.

Hillsong’s latest live album, This is Our God, was released recently and beats with heaven’s heart. Glorify God. Here is a documentary on the album as a whole as well as one specific song, Healer. Take 9 minutes out of your day to watch this.


And here is the song, Healer, sung by Mike & the Hillsong team.

the water pump is working again

2 07 2008

I have a very obvious tell when it comes to intimacy with God. I’ve realized over the last couple years that as long as I’m seeking God, searching Him out, desiring more of Him, I’m singing. Not necessarily on stage…just singing here and there without even realizing it. It’s an unstoppable well when I’m spiritually lit, and it’s a sure sign that I’ve neglected my first Love when the songs cease, when the well dries up. It’s as if my spirit is communing with God subconsciously throughout the day. And as I do so, I find my spirit soaring. In these times (whether they are difficult times or not), God gives me new and personal worship songs to sing to Him. They may never be published, copyrighted or recorded. They may never be heard by more than the audience of One. They are solely His and I sing them for Him the moment they come to me.  

However, some of the other songs He gives me I believe He wants me to share. One day. They’ve been accumulating over the last two years and, with the fresh life God has given me, have resurfaced. We’ll see.



All I know is I am grateful for the life once again coursing through my body.

My spirit is free to sing to You!!!